baffle diffraction loss crossover
phase skew compensation
audio industry
high efficiency
Q - What the hell!!?
Fast Bass versus low Bass
diffraction loss
loss is transition between a half-space
acoustic load and freespace.
6 dB loss is correct for a speaker enclosure in
free space. When the enclosure is placed in a real life room it will not exhibit 6dB loss, it will be aroud 3
or 4 dB, since room is not free space and will encounter additional effects(reverb, standing
waves, boundary effect, cavity effect . . .).
Diffraction loss and room
effects are independent and completely different
effects. The diffraction loss is nicely
predictable whereas the effects of the room are
highly variable, not only from room to room but
also with speaker placement and room furnishing.
This typically means that each listening
environment will be unique and will require
unique compensation.
Spherical diffraction
compensation is easily corrected with a high degree of
precision, while other enclosures are a little bit
less predictable and demand large amount of
Regardless of where it is placed in the room,
a typical hi-fi speaker system sees a half space
load at frequencies from the midrange up as a
result of the drivers placement on the
At high frequencies the speaker is radiating into
"half space" i.e. it is only radiating
into the forward hemisphere. Starting in the
midrange (depending on the baffle size) the
system shifts from radiation into half space to
radiation in full space at lower frequencies.
This transition from half space loading to full
space loading results in what is commonly called
the "6 dB baffle step",
At even lower frequencies, say from 100 Hz down,
the wavelength of the radiated sound is such that
the walls and cavity of the listening room begin
to load the system in a way that results in a
complex load that is less than half space and
results in increased output from the system.
This effect in the low bass is called variously
"room gain", "boundary effects",
"room resonance", "frequency
dependent radiation
impedance", etc.
The smaller the baffle the higher the
transition frequency.
The shape of the diffraction loss frequency
response curve depends on the size and shape of
the enclosure. All enclosure shapes exhibit a
basic 6 dB transition (or "step") in
the response with the bass ending up 6 dB below
the treble. A spherical enclosure exhibits this
transition clearly with a very smooth diffraction
loss curve. More "angular" enclosures
exhibit the underlying 6 dB step along with a
series of response ripples that are dependent on
the placement of the speaker with respect to the
baffle edges. The worst case appears to be
placing the driver at the center of a circular
baffle so that it is the same distance from all
diffracting edges. Placing the driver on the
baffle so that it is a different distance from
each edge tends to minimize the response ripples
and make the diffraction loss look more like the
smooth loss of the sphere. Because the
spherical diffraction loss is a common element
for the diffraction of all enclosure shapes and
the response ripples are much more difficult to
predict (and can be minimized anyway) it makes
sense to approximate the diffraction loss of a
loudspeaker as the diffraction loss of the
equivalent sphere.
- What the hell!!?
The principle behind Q, when used in the
context of loudspeakers, is VERY simple. It is
simply the ratio between energy storing and
energy dissipative mechanisms at resonance. In
electrical terms, it is the ratio of the
reactance to the resistance. A high Q
indicates that for the amount of energy stored in
a resonant system, the mechanisms that dissipate
that energy are small. A high-Q system will tend
to have a resonance that decays slowly, because
the amount of resistance available to dissipate
the energy is small compared to the amount of
energy stored. Accordingly transient response of
a high Q system is very bad. A low-Q system will
tend to dampen the resonant motion quickly,
because the energy is dissipated quickly and
removed from the resonant system.
There are primarily two energy dissipating
mechanisms available in a loudspeaker driver:
mechanical and electrical (there is another,
acoustical, but it is very small compared to the
other mechanisms). The mechanical energy
dissipation are primarily the frictional losses
in the driver's suspension, and, to a lesser
extent, acoustic absorption. There are,
essentially, two electrical energy dissipations:
the DC resistance to the voice coil and the
output resistance of the amplifier. In almost all
cases, the DC resistance of the voice coil
completely dominates.
These two mechanisms, mechanical and
electrical, determine, respectively, the
mechanical Q (Qms) and the electrical
Q (Qes) of the loudspeaker driver.
Their parallel combination determines the total Q
(Qts) of the loudspeaker driver."
When we mount a loudspeaker driver onto a
baffle system we also have to take into account
the Q of the baffle system to arrive at the total
system Q. To work out the total Q of the driver
and baffle system you simply multiply the baffle
system Q with the total Q of the loudspeaker
driver. Closed boxes store energy that interacts
with the loudspeaker driver in complex ways,
especially in vented enclosures. Boxes themselves
also have resonances. Normally a high-Q closed
box is combined with low-Q loudspeaker driver to
give a desirable total system Q. But when we
mount a loudspeaker driver on an open baffle this
situation is reversed. An open baffle stores no
energy and has a low-Q of 0.2 and Carver chose to
use a high-Q woofer with a total Q of 3+ to
arrive at a desirable total system Q.
Carver's high-Q woofer was also chosen for
another good reason to do with mounting a woofer
on an open baffle. As we decrease in frequency or
increase in wavelength, the system initially
behaves as an infinite baffle. When the
wavelengths are long enough to be a quarter of
the baffle dimensions, the waves begin to cancel
each other around the edges of the dipole baffle.
The wave travels out to the edge (1/4) and back
to the opposite side of the vibrating speaker
cone, where it is exactly out of phase and
cancels out. Quarter wave cancellation on an open
baffle is a first order phenomenon - the roll-off
occurs at 6dB per octave. When we reach the free-air
resonance point of the high-Q woofer we add to
this the second-order sub-resonance fall-off of
the high-Q woofer to end up with a third-order or
18db per octave fall-off below the free-air
resonance point of the high-Q woofer (this makes
a good rumble filter in the Carver case).
In loudspeaker literature we can look at the
family of curves for the frequency response of a
loudspeaker driver on an infinite baffle as we
decrease the frequency. Starting with the rolled-off
curve when Q=0.5 (critically damped), then the
Butterworth graph with Q=0.71 (maximally flat),
then a little ripple at Q=1, then clearly a
bumped-up graph at Q=1.4. When the Q is higher
than any you can usually find in loudspeaker
driver catalogues you start to get boosting above
the resonance point of the loudspeaker driver,
and a sufficiently high-Q will result in a slope
of about 6dB per octave above the free-air
resonance point of the loudspeaker driver. This
increase of 6dB per octave of the high-Q
loudspeaker driver can be used to counteract the
6dB per octave quarter wave cancellation to give
a flat frequency response right down to the free-air
resonant frequency of the loudspeaker driver.
This is a much more elegant solution to the
problem of quarter wave cancellation on an open
baffle to that used by Celestion, etc of using a
conventional low-Q woofer with electronic
equalization since it does not involve additional
amplifier power and the necessity of electronic
equalization equipment. High-Q woofers are
relatively easy to design/make. Both ways of
overcoming quarter wave cancellation on a baffle
entail the use of long throw woofers for the safe
operation of the woofer.
unbridgeable gap between the Geeks with their
slide rulers and the LL with their ears. Part of
the problem seems to be in the misunderstanding
of the use of T/S parameters.
The values of Qes, Qm, Qts were derived to assist
in the design of the low frequency response of
the driver for a particular box volume and
alignment. These are dimensionless numbers that
are based on driver primitives such as Mms (mass
of the diagram including voice coil and air load),
Cms driver's mechanical compliance ( surround and
spider) and motor design factors Bl and Le and Re.
Thus the primary applicability of T/S parameters
are for the low frequency resonance frequency Fs.
They can't predict the second frequency response
limit, the 2nd. resonance that defines the high
frequency attenuation slope. The HF slope Fh (2nd.
resonance) is defined from the driver primitives
such as Le, Bl and Re. It is much more difficult
to compute since factors such as Re and Le
effective reduction vs. frequency parameter has
to be computed.
This is where the discussion of the Babb P6
response degenerates into nonsense. It is quite
impossible to define the P6 high frequency
response from T/S parameters. Alan makes a claim
based on the proprietary design of the cone,
spiderless suspension and coil Le. These are
partially reflected in the impedance data as well
as the Qes, Qms values. Note that the P6
Qes is unusually high and Le with frequency is
unusually low and the phase unusually flat in the
high frequency range. While these values by
themselves are insufficient to support the claim
of the unusually wide bandwidth of the P6, they
should give pause that something out of the
ordinary is going on and that especially T/S
parameters should not be used to discuss the
driver's high frequency response.
Fast Bass versus low Bass
are always talking about how fast or slow the
bass is of loudspeakers, amps, preamps, even
source components. You especially hear how "slow"
dynamic woofers are compared to the high-speed of
electrostatic panels, especially when the two
drivers are paired in a hybrid loudspeaker.
Comments often heard go something like this:
"Well, sure there is a speed difference
between the panel and the woofer. Nothing is as
fast as a good electrostatic panel. Expecting the
woofer to keep up just isn’t realistic."
Well, this month I will attempt to explain just
how wrong these snapshots of reality are. The first thing
we must know is that bass itself is not
particularly fast. Virtually any woofer,
even those with heavy cones can easily reproduce
bass frequencies with every scintilla of speed
present in that bass. So don’t buy a bunch of
baloney about low-mass woofer cones leading to
"high-speed bass" -- it just isn’t
going to happen. If the woofer can reproduce 40Hz
with low distortion, how fast the woofer starts
is almost irrelevant (within reason of course).
It only needs to accelerate fast enough to match
the rise time of 40Hz at the fastest point along
a 40Hz sine wave. If the woofer can do that, it
is going as fast as it needs to in order to be as
fast as fast can be -- at 40Hz. The woofer cone
does not need to be able to accelerate at 20kHz
velocities in order to produce instantaneous 40Hz
energy and if you could build a woofer
that "fast," 40Hz would sound exactly
the same through a "slow" woofer.
this mean that there is not such thing as fast
bass and slow bass? Absolutely not. It exists,
just not for the reasons and explanations you
have been hearing for years, and certainly not
for the attributions you’ve read in the high-end
press. There are reasons to use lighter, lower-mass
woofer cones. They just happen to be different
reasons than the ones you’ve read in print.
Smaller woofers don’t make faster bass, but
they do reproduce higher frequencies than larger
woofers can reproduce, and this is all important
when it comes to speaker design. You want the
midrange driver and the woofer to integrate with
sublime symmetry, with perfection and with nary a
single problematic interaction throughout their
overlap zone. This is why you want smaller,
lighter, "faster" woofer cones -- not
because they lead to faster bass. That overlap
zone is so amazingly critical to your perception
of bass speed that there is little or no
tolerance for error. The null tolerance for
integration error extends to phase, amplitude,
frequency, and time. Introduce even slight
variations between any part of the woofer and
midrange (or panel) overlap zone and you get
audible effects in the bass or midbass. This is
where all of your perception of bass speed comes
In fact,
bass speed is virtually 100% a function of how
ideally the midrange and woofer are integrated.
Bass linearity is greatly involved also; you may
see a flat frequency-response curve, but the
speaker can still sound like it has lumpy
bass response because of less-than-ideal phase (or
other) relationships between the midrange driver
and woofer. Phase can often change with frequency.
The woofer and midrange drivers can actually veer
off in different directions, phase-wise. This is
especially possible when you mix driver types
like panels and dynamic drivers. But large
dynamic drivers (woofers) operating at the top of
their range and medium-sized dynamic drivers
operating at the bottom of their range can often
diverge significantly in their phase response.
When phase (or other) errors happen, you get comb-filtering
effects. This comb filtering results in the
complex response of the loudspeaker (to music)
being quite different than the response of the
speaker when the input is something simple like
the sine-wave sweep used to measure "frequency
To avoid
comb-filtering effects that cause "beating"
(reinforcement) and "cancellation"
effects in the sound (both are usually partial
effects), it is imperative for the phase, time
domain, amplitude and frequency performance of
the woofer and midrange driver to be "aligned."
Get the midrange or woofer a little ahead of or
behind the other driver, and comb filtering
starts. You can do things to minimize it, but you
can’t stop it with certain combinations of
driver and crossover. It is fearfully hard to
integrate a dynamic woofer with an electrostatic
panel because the two drivers are so different
from one another. Your absolute best shot is
using an active crossover with infinitely
variable phase/frequency, polarity, time domain
and amplitude adjustments. Play with it long
enough and you could dial in the response of the
dynamic woofer and electrostatic panel to achieve
perfection in their integration. Achieving the
same thing using a passive crossover is
incredibly difficult. Some designers are getting
better as they learn from years of trying, but it
is still one of the hardest things to do in audio
that I can imagine. Just getting a dynamic
midrange and dynamic woofer to integrate
perfectly is enough of a challenge. You can hear
even small errors show up as speed problems in
the bass or midbass. These are the kinds of
"character" that will remain with the
speaker no matter where it is used.
How come
one speaker has so much more bass detail than
another? This too is strictly driver integration
and NOT the quality of the woofer itself, as you
may have heard. The fact is, bass detail comes
from the midrange driver. But your ear/brain is
so completely fooled by this complex interaction
of midrange and bass sound that you believe
that it is strictly a bass-related thing. It isn’t,
and you can prove it by listening to something
very boring but also very instructive. Listen to
a subwoofer all by itself for a while. You won’t
hear anything vaguely resembling speed coming
from that slow, soggy-sounding, plodding
subwoofer. It has no detail and no speed
whatsoever when heard all by itself. Integrate it
carefully with a nice set of main speakers,
however, and suddenly the subwoofer has scads
of detail, and if the integration is off a little,
the bass will sound fast or slow too. All of that
sense of speed and detail is coming from the main
speakers, but from the midrange, not the woofer.
That is why the integration of the woofer and the
midrange drivers is so critical to getting a good-sounding
thing to bear in mind: live bass does not sound
fast or slow; it just sounds like bass associated
with whatever instrument or other source is
creating it. The concept of "fast" or
"slow" bass is a loudspeaker and audio-system-related
thing. Oh, I suppose you could devise a live
demonstration to show how the midrange of a
string bass can affect the perceived quality of
the bottom end of its range (and for all I know,
the best musicians may use this to further extend
their emotional reach in their playing). But in
day-to-day listening situations when you hear
live music, I doubt you’ve ever thought about
the "fast" or "slow" bass
that you were hearing. No, that’s something
that happens at home in the reproduction chain,
and it’s an artifact of integration errors.
Remove the integration errors and the bass loses
all sense of being fast or slow, just like live
For you
this means something profound. If you hear a
system (hopefully not yours) that sounds
"fast" or "slow" in the bass,
enough that you have noticed anyway, that system
has a problem. It might be fixable if the bass is
coming from a subwoofer with lots of adjustments.
But most of the time, it will take some minor or
major change to remove the fast or slow character.
A different footer can affect apparent bass speed
because it changes the midrange of the
electronic component or loudspeaker it is used
under, not because it couples (or isolates) to
the floor or shelf better. The different foot
simply changes the character of the midrange a
little bit, and because the midrange and bass
quality are so tightly intertwined, the quality
of the bass changes too, even though nothing
specifically changed in the bass itself.
So there
you have it, the symbiotic existence of bass and
midrange, which are more tightly interwoven and
interdependent that you may have thought.
IM distorsion |
Despite these severe deviation from anything
remotely resembling linear frequency response we
can easily and clearly identify sounds reproduced
or even produced under such conditions. As a
result I would contend that modest deviations
from a linear Frequency Response for a High
Fidelity application are acceptable. My personal
definition of “modest” is +/-6db in 1/3
octave smoothed measurements. A formal study
on the requirements for high quality reproduction
recommended less than +/-2db, a performance that
is absolutely unobtainable unless the room is
designed for good acoustics and heavily treated
even if the Transducer is perfectly linear. Most
of us never get such listening conditions, so I
would suggest that under domestic conditions +/-6db
are acceptable for the 3m in room response within
the 100Hz –10kHz range (the study recommended
40Hz – 15kHz). Note that this for the response
at the listening position (hence not necessarily
on axis), not just the raw Driver/Speaker
anaechonic response.
Another Item is linearity. Now due the
physical way our hearing works we have a quite
high level of Harmonic Distortion “build in”
into our hearing. This will mask a certain level
of Distortion so that despite it’s presence it
is not audible. This masking applies both to
harmonic and intermodulation distortion and
depends heavily upon the spectrum of the
Without going into too much detail, I consider
less than 3% 2nd Harmonic, 1% 3rd Harmonic, 0.3%
4th Harmonic and so on in a monotonic sequence to
be essentially inaudible at a SPL of 96db (Patterson,
Bekesy). The same holds for any intermodulation
products that stem from the same non-linearities.
Here it is much harder to apply weighting, but
sidebands spaced closely to the main tones will
be more audible than those spaced widely,
corresponding to more audibility for IMD produced
by nonlinearities producing primarily odd order
Distortion. (Shorter).
So as long as our entire replay chain produces
distortion lower than that we can consider it as
being as “High Fidelity”. It is worthwhile
that the study already mentioned suggested 0.25%
THD for the entire replay chain to be the limit,
I have no indication what spectrum of distortion
was used and what the maximum SPL’s used where.
Anyway, with the above we have a good deal of
info in order to “define” High Fidelity
I personally would propose the following:
Reproduction shall be considered of High
Fidelity for Music IF:
I. the Frequency response linearity is better
than +/- 6db for the 100Hz –10kHz range with
Sound produced outside this range being no more
than 10db down on the average SPL in the 100Hz
– 10kHz. The total response should cover at
least the normal range of fundamental notes and
overtones produced by Acoustic Instruments. For
reference, the lowest note on the Piano Grand
corresponds to 32Hz, the upright bass lowest
fundamental is 41.4Hz. There is no specific limit
at high frequencies, as many instruments contain
overtones reaching beyond 60kHz.
II. the level of the 2nd harmonic overtone is
no more than 3% and of the 3rd harmonic overtone
is no more than 1% at a SPL Level of 103db/1m for
a Mono System or 99db/1m for the individual
speaker output of one spaeker in a Stereophonic
System for the “critical” range of 100Hz –
10kHz. Outside this range levels of 10% and 3%
respectively for 2nd and 3rd harmonics must not
be exceeded at the same SPL’s.
III. the degree of compression over the medium
term (10 Minutes) for a SPL of 103db (Mono) or 99db
(1 half of a Stereo System) is less than or equal
to 1db.
Note that I have not included the phase
response here and that I have not mentioned time
alignment per se, as in a mono-system quite
substantial shifts will not be audible. Only very
“rapid” shifts of the phase with frequency
will become audible. Note that I have also not
included the levels of background noise. Without
going into too much detail we should have less
than 30db background noise at the listening
position with less than 20db above 500Hz.
Furthermore, the issuse of step response, ringing
and resonances and pulse fidelity has not been
In short we should add to the three above
IV. the phase of the system is not subject to
severe and rapid phase-shifts in the “critical
frequency range of 100Hz – 10kHz
V. the level of background noise is lower than
37db/1m overall and lower than 27db above 500Hz,
the range between 500Hz and 50 (60) Hz showing
rising slope to reach 37db at the lower point.
This is for control settings that will produce
the maximum operating SPL as discussed as above.
VI. the system shows a simple step response (showing
one spike and then a fast and monotonic return of
the pressure to normal) and good preservation of
the Waveform for a Squarewave in the 100Hz to 10kHz
I believe that the above set does indeed
describe quite well the requirements for “High
Fidelity” Reproduction. It should be noted that
all the above the conditions are to be taken
within the Room the system is used in and include
further environmental factors (for example the
back ground noise levels include noise not
generated by the replay system).
Note that is quite desirable to improve on the
bare minimum conditions given above, however
ideally one would avoid to improve one parameter
on the expense of another. Furthermore the above
makes no claim on comprehensiveness or
completeness, there are many other factors
present that are not accounted for here but have
a strong bearing on the perceived quality of the
It offers an ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM definition
of High Fidelity Reproduction of SPECIFICALLY
music, not speech or for example Cinematic sound.
Any system NOT complying with the above
conditions should not be considered as being
capable of high fidelity reproduction. It is also
worthwhile to note that by implication the entire
recording side of the reproduction chain must
comply with this, including Microphones and in
the case of Records the Cutting Lathe, obviously
also all involved electronics, cables and the
Due to the way most so called “Hi-Fi” and
“Studio” Loudspeakers are designed and build
they must sadly be considered incapable of High
Fidelity reproduction as they tend to fail
multiple of the criteria set out above. Much of
this is down to basic Driver design more than
anything else.
In the next instalment I shall be looking
closely at some of the Issues in Driver-design,
especially linearity and compression, the main
areas where I feel substantial improvements are
required with most commercially offered drivers
targeted at "HiFi" and "Studio"