content="Jordan loudspeaker drivers" content="Jordan, Ted, metal cone, fullrange, JX">
E. J. JORDAN One of the most famous names in the full range business, for many, many years. Ted Jordan made drivers for Goodmans's (English hi-fi maker) that were really awesome. E.J. Jordan is a highly regarded British manufacturer of both full-range and wide-range drivers using metal cone conventional technology. Their drivers are conventional in design and depend on a curved cone profile to achieve progressive decoupling at higher frequencies. Unlike other metal cone units, waterfall plots provided by the manufacturer reveal little evidence of metal cone resonance or breakup within the audio band. All of their drivers have been recommended, so here's the rundown on the line:} Aluminum The first rigid drivers to find limited use in high-fidelity applications were the small Jordan Watts 4" aluminum-cone units. |